Punishing the collective for the actions of a few - men are not your enemy
Over the last few years, there has been an uptick in discussions that fuel some invisible women vs men war. Incels gave rise to femcels and both of the depth of the internet dungeon cultures have permeated mainstream media.
It is very easy to fall into the belief that people operate on a collective. It would be easier to believe there is some black and white system of people - but there just isn't. Many women are quick to believe that men as a collective are out to get them. They must all be part of some secret society that participates in the most extreme misogyny. That would be statistically improbable. It would also mean you believe men aren't people with their own emotions, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.
That's regression of society. Although there are a few loudmouths on social media (or even within governments) who love to say and do anything for money, do not make up a theory of an entire group of people based off of internet nonsense.
This is the same mentality that teaches young vulnerable men of the world that women are some collective entity and must be treated as such. That all women respond the same way to all things, believe the same things, and think the same way.
The Zuckerbergs, the Musks, the Tates of the world. They only have power if you give it to them. Their words only ring true if you believe it. If you believe it, you have bigger issues to deal with.
The goal for society is progression. There will always be times when some group doesn't want to progress with the rest of the world, even if they're in power. They will feel vindicated, but it's the last breath of a dying old man. It is the glass ceiling of desperation. Some can deal with the changing world, others cannot. They come in all ages, races, professions, etc. It's what makes the fuel anti-intellectualism and regressive systems.
Do NOT give them power. Do NOT label men as a collective entity or your enemy. It is the wrong step, entirely. The only collective that exists is women and men together. It also includes all races, ages, and religions. Everyone has to sit at the table together.
Progression in society is made by the women and men in this collective working as unit. Do NOT lessen the issues that men may bring up, you are repeating history in a bad way. You are not winning anything, you are causing society to lose everything. This is not an eye for an eye contest. There is a reason why the saying goes “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”.
If someone is talking about their troubles they feel a particular group is facing, and your answer is about your own group's struggles - you need to stop talking for a moment. We don't make progress like that.
I encourage you to be truly inclusive in your views of the world. That includes men, it includes groups you believe hold systemic power. Don't banish people from the table of society because you think they've been there too long.
Systemic power doesn't equal success, if it did, we wouldn't be watching people struggle to convince us they are at the top. For those instances when someone does try to exude some ridiculous authority over you, always remember that power and control are made up. You have to willingly give it. Don't believe that you don't have a say.