Why I've always been a silicon valley hater

Feb 21, 2025 9:03 PM
Feb 22, 2025 8:29 AM

This post is probably going to sound pretentious, annoying, and like an old person yelling at the clouds.

I've always been a hater of silicon valley. I've liked Computer Science for as long as I can remember, and to no surprise I majored in it. Silicon valley really represents when CS turned into a rich guy prop. It's where business guys learned the skills were in high demand and they could get rich that way, too.
In doing so, the biggest pricks around have been infiltrating the community. They take all the most lucrative parts of it and dump the rest, pumping out assembly line type products, services, and even software engineers.

Even worse, technocrat types are now everywhere - and quite literally - destroying the world. It feels like seeing mad scientists everywhere but the scientists are actually business men in disguise with the same level of tyranny mixed in with capitalism.
I hate seeing a career field I really love and am super passionate about becoming probably the most evil tool of capitalism.

Seeing this first hand at Amazon, has honestly made me super sick. Early last year I interviewed with a few startups I thought had super great missions like climate change and medical technology. They were full of people who really didn't care about anything they were doing. Microsoft, Google, and some other companies might have a few great things but it's massively overshadowed by garbage and political/idealogical agenda. Meta is not surprising (really, Zuckerberg has always been a legitimate loser), but Google is definitely taking a nose dive.
It's dropped far from the earlier days.

I have a few friends who worked at Google and they all say it was not what it was cracked up to be. I've interviewed with them a few times and it was the same bureaucratic nightmare that Amazon is. Less emphasis on progression of society, more focus on elitism. It felt like people wanted to work there to say "I work at google", in the same way people want to go to Harvard to call themselves "Harvard grad".

Many of these companies have the perception of being innovative and great, but are the first to lobby the US government into banning their competitors. That's a sign of a weak company and, honestly, is pathetic. Innovation, research, and development should be the core foundation of tech companies. They should be on the side of science and academia in terms of societal progression. They should NOT be advancing the agenda of billionaires and shareholders.
Really, the shareholders should be the community and people of the nation.

I understand the world we live in and money is money. but I really wish tech companies still did R&D instead of "whatever appeases shareholders". I wish people were encouraged to care about the work they put out into the world. Everyone wants to climb to the highest rung on the ladder, start companies with the intent to be absorbed, and be associated with the richest jerks in town who steal everyone else's ideas.

I really wish software engineering stayed more true to computer science instead of being highjacked by finance bros and ex-wallstreet types. It's been painful to watch.